
Function recovery exercises after breast cancer surgery

After breast cancer surgery, patients usually feel numbness in their hands and shoulders, feel loose and have many difficulties with movement and functional activities.

Surgeons usually recommend or provide recovery exercises or guide services about functional recovery for patients.

Using and practicing functional recovery exercises will help to return normal functions of hands and shoulders.

These exercises will reduce numbness in skin areas under the armpits, under the arms, and shoulder pain; more specifically to prevent symptoms such as swelling (lymphedema) and callus under armpits.

One year after the surgery, a lot of women still feel pain in their hands, shoulders and in performing special functions; movement in their hands and shoulders are still not fully recovered.

BCNV provide functional recovery exercises that include 14 movements, divided into 3 different stages to help patients after surgery to fully recover the functions of the hands and shoulders.

These documents are translated and collected by BCNV from articles of Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Australia, accompanied with exercise experience of Vietnamese patients and recommendations from the Department of Radiation Oncology in Tumor hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.

BCNV bans using these documents for business and BCNV does not ensure the effectiveness of these exercises when incorrectly executed.

To receive the documents, send a request to the email below:

Write in the title and contents of the letter by following the instructions here:

Title of the letter:

  • Require BCNV to provide functional recovery exercise after breast cancer surgery (if you are not in Ha Noi)
  • Require BCNV to provide and instruct functional recovery exercises at home/hospital (if you are in Ha Noi)

Contents of the letter:

After filling the requirements, you need to type and copy up one of the two commitments below. If you write a mail request but you forget one of the two commitments, BCNV defaults that your commitment is enclosed with it.

  • I agree to all the requirements of BCNV and I am responsible for the requirements of using functional recovery exercises of BCNV . (if you are a patient)
  • To be authorized, on behalf of the patients …. (full name of the patients) is … my (mother/sister/wife), I agree to all of the requirements of BCNV and I am responsible for the requirements about using functional recovery exercises of BCNV. (if you are authorized by a patient)

We wishes you a speedy recovery and hope you will win the battle over cancer!

BCNV 12/2013