
The risk of breast cancer in successful women

Successful women have a 70% higher risk of breast cancer, compared to women who gained less than, according to the Australian Women’s Weekly. This is the conclusion of a research group led by Dr. Tetyana Pudrovska at Pennsylvania State University (USA)

They think that there are many causes that lead to increased risk of breast cancer in successful women, including no birth or childbirth in later years, hormone replacement therapy, and drinking more alcohol.

Job stress is another cause. Successful women are more at risk for breast cancer because their success comes with pressure.

These women often encounter with hostility, prejudice, discrimination and social isolation from their subordinates, colleagues and superiors.

The research used data from a large-scale study lasted for 55 years with about 3,700 women aged 36 in 1975. The subjects were followed up until they were older.

They found that women who do jobs requiring highly specialized or hold management positions are significantly at risk for breast cancer at 72 years of age.

These people have a 70% higher risk of breast cancer than other women.