
Optimistism – The valuable medicine for cancer patients

Most cancers are diagnosed at late stages and few people understand that psychological distress or depression has a negative effect on treatment outcomes. The use of methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy… to help prevent metastasis. In addition, the dose that any patient in general and the person suffering from cancer in particular need to prescribe themselves is optimistic.

When the human body appears to have symptoms of cancer, the corresponding organs are weakening and their resistance also decreases. Therefore, if the person is anxious, stressed and thinks about it in a negative way, the invisible joints make the weakened weak. Some things to note that patients as well as relatives, friends of cancer patients should pay attention as follows:

– The patient must first be aware of the great effect of optimism, love life even when the condition is worsening.

– Do not let the patient have more time to sit alone without anyone else around. This easily leads to negative thoughts in the patient’s mind.

– In addition to adhering to the instructions and treatment of the physician, the patient should be associated with mild exercise to stimulate stronger resistance. According to some studies and practice, the practice of breathing regularly helps blood circulation or yoga movements also have a significant effect on improving the condition.

– Patients and friends must always show interest and motivation and be able to integrate in the story of the real examples of cancer survivors with their will and energy. That will be a great motivation for the patient to have more confidence in life ahead.atients and friends must always show interest and motivation and be able to integrate in the story the real examples of cancer survivors with their will and energy. That will be a great motivation for the patient to have more confidence in life ahead.

– Cancer patients also need to be directed by their peers to activities that can forget the presence of cancer in their body, such as watching a movie and the meaning of life, reading good books of will and optimism or meaningful social activities directed at the fragile life so that patients realize that their lives are still meaningful day by day.

Again, the optimism in the spirit of a patient is effective or not depends on the will of the patient himself. No good physician can treat the disease if the patient is pessimistic. Always love life, optimistic and think of the most positive things because life around us there are many things meaning. Remember, if the patient is anxious, mental depression will also affect the health of your loved ones. Because they love you and will worry about you if you see a picture of yourself. So optimism is the single most effective remedy for cancer treatment that any patient needs to prescribe for themselves.

Cr: Cao Trí Hòa (Dân trí

BCNV tries our best to provide the most reliable information for Vietnamese women who are unlucky enough to have breast cancer. However, BCNV can not guarantee or be responsible or liable for the accuracy or completeness of such information, nor shall it be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information contained herein. posts. However, the BCNV welcomes and respects constructive comments from experts, doctors, patients and interested people to make standard articles and scientific value to better serve the subordinate. women with breast cancer, people affected, and community awareness. BCNV recommends that patients should talk to their specialist about their decisions during treatment.